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Port Requirements

KubeSphere requires certain ports for the communications among services. If your network is configured with firewall rules, you need to ensure infrastructure components can communicate with each other through specific ports that act as communication endpoints for certain processes or services.

Service Protocol Action Start Port End Port Notes
ssh TCP allow 22
etcd TCP allow 2379 2380
apiserver TCP allow 6443
calico TCP allow 9099 9100
bgp TCP allow 179
nodeport TCP allow 30000 32767
master TCP allow 10250 10258
dns TCP allow 53
dns UDP allow 53
local-registry TCP allow 5000 For the offline environment
local-apt TCP allow 5080 For the offline environment
rpcbind TCP allow 111 Required if NFS is used
ipip IPENCAP / IPIP allow Calico needs to allow the ipip protocol
metrics-server TCP allow 8443


When you use the Calico network plugin and run your cluster in a classic network on cloud, you need to enable both IPENCAP and IPIP protocol for the source IP.

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